As part of the programme students undertake a 12 week professional internship (PIPS) in an area unrelated to their PhD. CASE students are also required to spend at least 12 weeks with their CASE partner. The following case studies are an example of the experiences that our students have had whilst on their placement.
Josh Thody, a student at the University of East Anglia, wanted to gain experience working in industry as a software developer. As such, he used a personal contact to find a placement at Aviva, in their Digital Gateway team. Josh undertook his placement ...
Anna Isaacs wanted to increase her awareness of careers outside of academia and so used the PIPS Employer Forum to set up an internship with MyDNAhealth. MyDNAhealth is a company that helps people to adjust their dietary and lifestyle behaviour to enhance ...
Michael Flynn, a student at the University of East Anglia, is doing a PhD in machine learning and choose to do his PIPS internship at the end of his first year which allowed him to use his programming skills in an applied environment. Michael spoke to ...
Sam Piper, a University of East Anglia student, has had an interest in Intellectual Property (IP) management since his involvement with Biotechnology Yes as an undergraduate. Biotechnology Yes, now in its 22nd year, is an innovative competition developed ...
Alice Godden took the opportunity at the PIPS Employer Forum to speak to GoBio (Hethel Innovation) as a potential company to host her for her internship. Alice was looking to gain a higher level of understanding of what is needed to develop and support ...
Camilla Stanton, a student at the John Innes Centre, has always been very interested in science communication and roles that can be complementary and supportive to academia. Millie spoke to OpenPlant at the PIPS Employer Forum and felt that they were ...
Ben Bone, a PhD student at the University of East Anglia, wanted to gain more experience in public engagement and policy making as well as developing his outreach experience. Ben spoke to Tony Maxwell (John Innes Centre) representing Antibiotic Action ...
Sam Rowe, a chemistry student at UEA, wanted to learn about how research transitions from an academic setting to a commercial business so used his PIPS to explore this. “I wanted to find out how the work environment in a start-up company compares with ...
Vanessa Bueno Sancho wanted to use her internship to enable her to employ and develop her programming and coding skills. After speaking to a fellow student that had spent time with the company before, Vanessa used LinkedIn to make contact and secure her ...
Sam Holden, a student at The Sainsbury Laboratory, wanted to gain a better understanding of the publishing industry and career options surrounding sciences. After talking to The Company of Biologists at the PIPS Employer Forum Sam arranged to do his internship ...
Jake Newitt, a student at the UEA, wanted to work on a large collaborative project for a research organisation and gain experience in next generation sequencing and communication skills. To achieve this, Jake used a personal contact to set up an internship ...
PIPS propels Tharsini on to a new careers path as an IP lawyer When searching for her PhD, Tharsini Sivapalan wanted to find a course that offered her something extra. Previous experience during her undergraduate degree had led Tharsini to the realisation ...