Training Programme

Training overview
The NRPDTP provides PhD research training across all scientific themes and strategic priorities of the UKRI-BBSRC. Our outstanding PhD training environment arises from the breadth of world-class science encompassed by the research remits of our Full Partners, together with the academic and non-academic specialisms of our Associate Partners. The concentration of UKRI-BBSRC-facing research excellence within five distinct co-located research institutions provides a unique, highly dynamic and collaborative training environment for the delivery of world-class bioscience research and professional skills training.
The NRPDTP’s vision is to develop world-leading researchers, innovators and a highly-skilled workforce for the future. Through their research project students receive core and advanced bioscience skills training, providing the opportunity to develop high-level skills and conceptual, creative and technical capacity to work at the cutting-edge of research.
Alongside this our training and development programme delivers a cohort-based, student-centred, inclusive and responsive pathway. This is tailored around core cohort activities and elective advanced research skills and personal and professional development training.
The programme embeds the principles of the Vitae Researcher Development Framework (RDF). Each student’s training pathway is defined by a tailored Personal Development Plan, informed by an initial Training Needs Analysis, in consultation with their supervisory team. This encourages reflective learning practice, critical thinking and planning skills.

The NRPDTP training and development programme is delivered through:
* underpinning skills pathway and induction
* research skills training and development with supervisory teams
* cohort meetings and masterclasses
* summer conferences
* advanced specialist skills training
* preparation for placements
* placements (PIPS or CASE)
* elective advanced research and transferable skills training