News articles

  • Leaf Systems opens

    The UK’s leading global position in bioscience innovation was further strengthened as the Science Minister officially launched biotech spin out Leaf Systems International Ltd on 23rd January 2017. Jo Johnson, Minister of State for Universities, Science, ...

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  • New paper for Michael Giolai

    Scientists have developed a new improved method for capturing longer DNA fragments, doubling the size that can be analysed for novel genes which provide plants with immunity to disease. RenSeq (1) is a method to sequence Resistance (R) genes that confer ...

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  • First PIPS in US

    This year The Norwich Research Park DTP had its first PIPS student complete his internship in the US. Tom Eyles spent three months from May to August 2016 as a Research and Development Intern with Genomatica, a leading bioengineering technology company ...

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  • Paper published for Jan

    Jan Bettgenhaeuser, a DTP student based at The Sainsbury Laboratory, has recently been first author on a new paper. Bettgenhaeuser J, Corke FM, Opanowicz M, Green P, Hernández-Pinzón I, Doonan JH, Moscou MJ (2016) Natural variation in Brachypodium links ...

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  • Anna Stavrinides gets new publication

    Scientists at the John Innes Centre have discovered a key “twist” in a Rubik’s cube-like plant puzzle, which could pave the way to new, or more effective pharmaceuticals. Several members and derivatives of a group of natural plant compounds called ...

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  • New paper published for Sam Ellis

    A recently published study has found some evidence that enterohaemorrhagic E.coli (EHEC) may be able to evade or suppress our immune system. EHEC (aka E. coli O157) causes around 1200 cases of food poisoning in the UK every year. Symptoms are serious, ...

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  • New name for TGAC

    TGAC has been renamed as The Earlham Institute (EI). The EI will build upon the research foundation developed as TGAC and continue to help answer the most fundamental questions in biological sciences today, from its home on Norwich Research Park. The ...

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  • LGBT equality at the JIC

    Leading plant and microbiology research institute the John Innes Centre has joined Stonewall’s Diversity Champions programme which promotes and develops good practise for employers. The programme, run by the leading charity for lesbian, gay, bi and ...

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  • Biotechnology YES

    Are you an early career researcher? Do you want to diversify your life experience and professionally develop your range of attributes? If so, say yes to taking part in YES! YES is an innovative competition which aims to raise awareness of the commercialisation ...

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  • The Quadram Institute

    The Quadram Institute is the name of the new centre for food and health research to be located at the heart of the Norwich Research Park, one of Europe’s largest single-site concentrations of research in food, health and environmental sciences. Building ...

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  • Simple test set to save fish lives

    A simple test to check for toxic algae is set to make huge improvements to fish health and ecosystems benefiting fish farming and angling throughout the world. A simple test to check for toxic algae is set to make huge improvements to fish health and ...

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