Jeff Ojwach
2022 Cohort. Project: Bacterial DMSP synthesis and catabolism in seagrass and methane cycling in anoxic Blakeney sediment
Find out more about some of the past and present students studying with the Doctoral Training Partnership.
2022 Cohort. Project: Bacterial DMSP synthesis and catabolism in seagrass and methane cycling in anoxic Blakeney sediment
2022 Cohort. Project: Location, location, location – how genome position affects gene expression
2022 Cohort. Project: Biodiversity, wellbeing and colour: wildflower genomics to inform the creation of new habitats
2021 Cohort. Project : When crops grow up - determining the regulatory control of developmental transitions in Brassicas
2021 Cohort. Project: Adapt or die? Understanding how bacterial bioflms evolve under stress
2020 Cohort. Project: Altering the flow of electrons through Outer Membranes of Gram-Negative Bacteria
2019 Cohort. Project: Why are pests so successful? The evolutionary ecology of colonisation and spread
2018 Cohort. Project: Directing biosynthesis of bioactive triterpenes for pharmaceutical applications
2017 Cohort. Project: Unravelling DNA’s Mysterious Structures: Developing Probes to Target c-Myc i-Motif DNA