Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Equality and Diversity Statement
The NRPDTP is committed to equality, diversity and inclusion in respect of its work with students, supervisors, training and interaction with the research community and beyond.
We concur with the UKRI Policies and standards for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion including that “UKRI believes that everyone has a right to be treated with dignity and respect, and to be provided with equal opportunities to flourish and succeed in an environment which enables them to do so. We also recognise and will seek to maximise the benefits achieved by diversity of thought and experience within inclusive groups, organisations and the wider community.”
To promote equality, diversity and inclusion within the NRPDTP we undertake to do the following:
• Recruit excellent students from as wide and diverse a pool of candidates as possible
• Include adherence to equality, diversity and inclusion principles in the criteria for the selection of students to the programme
• Raise awareness amongst all those involved with student recruitment of the effects of unconscious bias
• Require interview panellists and potential supervisors to have undertaken a course on Equality and Diversity, Unconscious Bias, or similar recruitment training in the previous three years
• Take into account the diversity of the membership when seeking to add new, or replace existing, members of the Management Board and other advisory bodies
• Designate a member of the Management Board to have an equality, diversity and inclusion remit*
• Aim for all recruitment panels to have gender representation
• Aim to achieve a representative balance of speakers/trainers for NRPDTP training activities
• Carry out statistical analyses of all recruitment exercises
• Publicise this statement of intent in relation to equality, diversity and inclusion to supervisors and students via the NRPDTP Hub and on the NRPDTP website
• Require all NRPDTP students to carry out equality, diversity and inclusion training
* the role of member of Management Board with equality and diversity remit has been superseded by the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Group (established May 2022)