Success for NRPDTP students at UEA Engagement Awards

The UEA Engagement Awards celebrate and recognise public engagement by students, staff, academics and departments from UEA and the Norwich Research Park. The awards this year took place on 9th June and NRPDTP students James Canham and Danny Ward both received awards, as did former NRPDTP student Sam Rowe.
James, a student at the JIC, was winner of a Student Award for making the most of opportunities available to positively influence others, relating to his work with Pint of Science Festival and a UK-Kenyan Research consortium which he has helped set up.
Danny Ward, also a JIC student, won another of the Student Awards for his work in scientific engagement during the pandemic and his production of research podcasts, Twitter projects, photography and blog collaborations.
Dr Sam Rowe, a former NRPDTP student, won an Achievement Award for his passion about making science accessible to everyone, participating in events, encouraging and championing other researchers to follow his path.
You can read the full details of the awards on the UEA website