DTP Summer Conference June 2015

The DTP Summer Conference was held on 18 June 2015. It was decided to go off-site this year and The Assembly House was chosen as the venue. Located in the heart of Norwich, The Assembly House is one of the finest examples of Georgian architecture in the country, and provided a beautiful setting for the conference.
The DTP Summer Conference was held on 18 June 2015. It was decided to go off-site this year and The Assembly House was chosen as the venue. Located in the heart of Norwich, The Assembly House is one of the finest examples of Georgian architecture in the country, and provided a beautiful setting for the conference.
Keynote speaker, Professor Sophien Kamoun from The Sainsbury Laboratory, set the scene for the World Class Bioscience theme with a talk on what world class science is and how we assess it. The students then had an opportunity to assess highly cited papers from the Norwich Research Park and say why they thought they were highly cited. Lunch was followed by talks from students Isabel Webb, Michael Macey, Mabon Elis and Nicole Ward who shared their internship experiences.
Dr Andy Breakspear from the John Innes Centre and his team led a session on synthetic biology in the afternoon, which involved an interactive component in the form of a Golden Gate exercise.
Third year students were asked to bring along posters on their research, which were then voted on. Prizes for the three posters with the most votes were awarded by Dr Rob Hardwick from the BBSRC.