Biotechnology YES

Are you an early career researcher? Do you want to diversify your life experience and professionally develop your range of attributes? If so, say yes to taking part in YES! YES is an innovative competition which aims to raise awareness of the commercialisation of scientific ideas among the research community. YES has been running for 21 years and has a track record of inspiring postgraduates to take their careers somewhere they may not have previously imagined.
How does YES work?
A team of 4 or 5 members work together to devise a business plan for a company based on hypothetical science.
Places are provided FREE of charge to most researchers.
The process
- Form a team and apply by Friday 27 May
- Participate in the online briefing session on Monday 3 August
- Decide upon an innovative idea that could work as a business and think about which areas of the business each team member be responsible for and undertake some market research
- All team members attend a three day residential workshop encompassing presentations and mentoring sessions from leading figures in industry. Workshops held between September and November
- Teams with the best business plan are selected to go forward to the final on Monday 5 December in London
Benefits of taking part
You will:
- develop enterprise skills
- cultivate business acumen
- create new knowledge
- think creatively to produce innovative solutions to major challenges
- collaborate with peers and industry experts using a range of networking skills
- discover how to communicate research with impact to diverse audiences
- gain project management skills in the context of business planning
- learn about ethical, legal and health and safety aspects
- understand how funding is sourced and managed
- win £2,500
Find out more and APPLY by visiting