Best talk award for Agatha at ECCO 2019

Agatha Treveil, a PhD student at the Earlham Institute, recently won an award as her talk was in the top ten talks when she presented her work at the European Crohn’s and Colitis organisation (ECCO) 2019 conference in Copenhagen.
The conference was attended by 8,000 people. Agatha went to the conference with her supervisor Tamas Korcsmaros, and a fellow student. Over 1000 abstracts were submitted, the top 35 of which gave plenary talks and the next 90 gave short talks. Of the 90 short talks, 10 won prizes (the prize is free registration to next year’s conference). Agatha gave a talk titled “The regulatory landscape of intestinal cells – investigating the transcriptional effect of autophagy impairment observed in Crohn’s Disease using organoid and network biology approaches” and presented a collaborative project she has been working on where the have developed a workflow to study the regulatory landscape of intestinal cells. They applied the workflow to study Paneth cells and the effect of autophagy impairment on their regulation at a molecular level. Autophagy impairment in Paneth cells, which reside in the small intestinal crypts, is a commonly observed in IDB patients. Therefore, understanding how the function of Paneth cells on a regulatory level is affected by autophagy can help to understand IBD.
For more details of the conference, visit their website