Anna Fortuny-Gomez awarded the Early Career Poster Prize at the Pharmacology annual conference

Anna Fortuny-Gomez, a NRPDTP student based at UEA, recently attended the Pharmacology annual conference organised by the British Pharmacological Society and was awarded the Early Career Poster Prize at Pharmacology 2022 diploma and £250.
Anna has been a member of the BPS since starting her PhD in 2018. This year the conference took place at the ACC in Liverpool, just by the beautiful Royal Albert Dock. Anna participated with a research poster and a flash poster talk. “I was particularly excited to show my research this time because it is my final year as a PhD student. Just like other researchers I have faced many setbacks to get the project up and running. Thus, being able to show a more complete story of my research made me feel proud and happy”, says Anna.
Anna’s poster and flash poster talk were entitled ‘Exploring the heteromerisation of the human P2X4 ion channel’. Anna found it really challenging to explain a 4-year project in just 2 minutes but with her colleagues’ and supervisor’s help she was able to do this. During the conference Anna met new people and caught-up with other colleagues in the purinergic field and other research backgrounds. “It is such an enriching experience! I got helpful feedback on my work and so many questions that benefited my thesis writing and viva preparation. I was awarded the Early Career Poster Prize at Pharmacology 2022 diploma and £250! It feels like the best way to close my student life chapter”, reflects Anna.